Claim savings with every sale.
Every interaction and sale we make helps you get closer to achieving your program goals. We will work alongside you and the human resource or sustainability managers at corporations and large employers in your service territory to organize, promote, and execute on-site employee engagement events. Benefits of popping up with us at work include:
- Personalized, one-on-one customer education and engagement on product features, the benefits of energy efficiency, and program offers
- Custom-branded “packs” or “kits” that not only deliver multi-measure savings, but act as a “walking billboard” promoting your program and brand
- Low-cost of entry and fast set-up
Case Studies

Energize Connecticut Pop-up Retail Program
TechniArt has delivered pop-up retail services on behalf of the Energize Connecticut program, engaging and educating Eversource and the United Illuminating company customers throughout the state since 2004. Our team helped increase adoption of first CFLs, and now LEDs, in addition to water saving products and recycling initiatives. Although the program recently turned 15 years old, some of its most productive years have been the past three where we have averaged 89 employee engagement events annually which have accounted 247,000 efficient lighting products sold.

Puget Sound Energy Pop-up Retail Program
TechniArt has supported Puget Sound Energy with pop-up retail services since 2012. Puget Sound Energy saw the allure and effectiveness of engaging directly with customers through public and private events from the start. Over the past three years, we have averaged 90 events annually and sold over 300,000 LED bulbs and 100,000 water saving products.
Energy-saving kit programs remain an integral part of residential portfolios based on their effectiveness in introducing customers to products that can quickly make an impact in a home. Whether it’s through enhancing building performance through improved weatherization, mitigating the energy required to heat water, or eliminating wasted energy from electronic devices, bundled offerings are the hands-on, interactive delivery mechanism programs can use to get their customer invested and engaged in improving whole home efficiency
The future of energy is here. Beneficial electrification. Utilities and energy providers need to educate their customers about this disruptive shift with an omnichannel marketing and awareness approach. The challenge of explaining a multifaceted concept like beneficial electrification to a customer becomes a much easier proposition when they can experience firsthand what new technologies can do for their home.
“I’ll be back.”
The Governator was on to something when he said that. Who knew this pithy three-word phrase laid the foundation for successful e-commerce strategy adopted by companies ranging from Target to TechniArt?
Are you ready to Launch?
Let us help you take your efficiency program to the next level – the level of complete awesomeness.
Phone Number
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm EST