Focusing on Kit Programs
Energy-saving kit programs remain an integral part of residential portfolios based on their effectiveness in introducing customers to products that can quickly make an impact in a home. Whether it’s through enhancing building performance through improved weatherization, mitigating the energy required to heat water, or eliminating wasted energy from electronic devices, bundled offerings are the hands-on, interactive delivery mechanism programs can use to get their customer invested and engaged in improving whole home efficiency.
For decades this has been no secret to us. We witnessed a powerful response time and again when customers realized they could lower their energy bills and improve home comfort through small, incremental actions. These interactions came face-to-face through pop-up retail, where bundled offerings were our biggest draw. As our business evolved, we applied the same approach to the kit, bundles, and packs programs we have administered in 12 states and counting.
An excellent example of what’s attainable is our work in support of the FOCUS ON ENERGY® program in Wisconsin. The Energy-Saving Packs program offers customers of participating electric and gas utilities the opportunity to order a free pack once every year. Customers have the option of three (3) packs and can place their order online or via phone. Highlights of program delivery include:
- TechniArt has administered the kits program since the fall of 2019, fulfilling nearly 500,000 orders. In 2022 alone, we fulfilled 135,000 orders that reached customers’ doorsteps within five days.
- Our development team recently upgraded the dedicated Energy-Saving Packs program site, which converts at 44% while extracting extensive customer data for program participation.
- Our marketing team utilizes seasonality in their creative and messaging approach, providing utilities and cooperative partners engaging content to market the program offering directly.
- The Energy-Savings Packs program has a 9.5 customer satisfaction rating and continues to serve as an entry point for customers to become involved in other programs with Focus on Energy.
While decarbonization, electric vehicle, and demand response initiatives attract much of the spotlight from program planning and design, it’s kit programs that continue as the workhorse for residential portfolios, crucial in capturing customers’ attention vital for programs to thrive.
Let our team put together a comprehensive kit program delivery plan for your market and learn how we can help you improve customer engagement.